Deepen into Intimacy

Master the Art of Sacred Relating

An Apprenticeship for Leaders and Changemakers
to awaken, heal and embody through relationship
with Mike Elliott + Courtney Wren

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Deepen into Intimacy

Master the Art of Sacred Relating

An Apprenticeship for Leaders and Changemakers to awaken, heal and embody through relationship
with Mike Elliott + Courtney Wren

Get on the Waitlist


Imagine you and your partner have a shared vision.

As you move towards it, and there are twists and turns, instead of getting lost from one another, you continue to be curious together, to problem solve.

You trust your partner in their different way of creating, their unique process, and step into your own.

You have a deep trust and confidence in your capacity to move through challenges together that come up and know that you will keep moving towards the love and vision whatever arises. 


"We aren’t here to just teach relational skills to be in partnership.

We are inviting you to intentionally use the relational space to go deep inside and rewire the imprinting that lives inside your dna.

This is what transforms the patterns of separation in the generational line."

Mike Elliott + Courtney Wren

We are alive at a time on the planet when we are unwinding generations of trauma patterning and collective trauma that has created distance, numbness, and confusion between us all relationally.

How do we heal this? Through relationship.

Through loving one another back into wholeness.

Not just the wholeness of self, but the wholeness of self in connection, as part of a bigger web of life.

In this way, love between two people sends healing backwards and forwards, through all strands of life.

Love is a choice and a practice. It is the sweet nectar of life that we must devote to in order to drink.


This is the work we're devoted to doing Together

Attune To Your Next Level 

You are already in Conscious Relationship. Feeling deeply connected and in love.

You desire to expand together and open into more emotional intimacy, pleasure, joy, play, awakening and abundance.

The Together Community is where you and your beloved can explore and attune together, through the art of sacred relationship.

This is the space to expand your conscious relationship beyond: 

  • Always doing ‘your work’ separately, there’s harmony as long as you have lots of space and stay independent.

  • Spiraling or being destabilized with all of the layers of healing that keep surfacing.

  • Living with lots of love but you are in a holding pattern. Your levels of deepening and intimacy are limited by the core wound patterns that feel too big to face together.

  • Having lots of understanding and awareness of your patterns and what needs to change but not being able to actually embody a new way.

  • Hitting a limit to the amount you can deepen and thrive together, you're in a place of comfort but not growth. 

We are inviting you into the practice of sacred relationship.

The ongoing ever-expanding journey of healing, cocreating, and awakening into greater levels of freedom and love. 

We are inviting you into the space between self and other as a place to be curious, to get uncomfortable, to feel, to be seen, to learn new skills, and to grow ~ TOGETHER. 

We are inviting you into emotional and sexual intimacy and deep allyship. To feel a level of connection that is soul nourishing, heart fulfilling and super sexy.

How will we do this? Through an online community with other Conscious Couples devoted to love.

Each time we meet, you will leave with new awarenesses to contemplate, new experiences in your body to integrate, and new skills/ tools/ practices to work with.

In this monthly container, Mike + Courtney will help coach and guide you through the initiation of sacred partnership by exploring such topics as:

  • What supports couples to deepen into connection and intimacy
  • Ways of communicating
  • How to balance energy
  • How to consciously become greater allies
  • How to heal your nervous systems TOGETHER

We will also hold space for the deeper shifts/ witnessing/ nervous system/ trauma work for couples to really move through sticky parts of their relationship and repattern into a new way of being and connecting together.

What's Included In This Container 

Each month, you'll be coached and guided by Mike + Courtney, with tools and concepts for you and your partner to explore, practice + embody.

Your Membership Includes:

  • 2x live 2 hour calls per month with other Conscious Couples.
  • Access to all recordings on our Circle community platform.
  • Community message board/ chat to support one another and share as personally guided.
  • A course you have immediate access to, with all the foundational teachings and practices. 
  • Networking and Connection with other impactful leaders who are also on the path of Sacred Relationship.

The Together Community opens in November 2024.

The Investment
$155/month per couple
$1555/year per couple

Sign up to the waitlist to be the first know when the Together Community opens!

Get On The Waitlist

Courtney and Mike have a
combined 31 years of experience in the relational space and coaching.


They have helped hundreds of couples navigate their relationship through their Together Podcast, 2:2 couples containers and retreats.


Be Part of the Evolution of Consciousness 

In the Together Community, you'll get to awaken into your next levels through the exploration of: 

  • How to deepen in the felt sense of love and intimacy with your partner through practices and a new level of vulnerability when connecting.

  • How to be allies in experiencing even more love, joy, happiness, success and pleasure.

  • How to feel and embody connection in your nervous system and attachment system.

  • How to return to love quicker when ruptures happen. 

  • How to make sense of the patterns that show up in your relationship and recognize that they are an invitation to create a more connective way to love.

  • How to navigate ruptures from an empowered place, dissolving the generational imprinting that is unconsciously wanting separation.

  • How to be allies in each other's healing and awakening.

This is the work that will help you attune to yourself, to partnership, to the family system + will overflow back into the community so you can be of even greater service.

"Partnership is a triumph of human spirit."

– Allison Armstrong

The Together Community is meant for you if

  • You are in a deeply loving conscious partnership and are committed to relationship as a place for healing and awakening
  • You’ve done lots of deep personal work and there are those core patterns that impact your capacity to connect deeper and more intimately
  • You and your partner are committed to doing your own work in order to show up for, grow in, and nourish the relationship
  • You are ready to heal ancestral and family patterns of relating
  • You desire to come more into your own sovereignty and self while in connection with the relationship
  • You understand that the strength of your relationship(s) is the foundation of your impact in the world
  • You desire to expand the soul of your relationship into more pleasure, joy, satisfaction, adventure, abundance and love
  • You are excited to create and weave the next evolution of relationship on the planet

This isn't for you if

  • Your relationship has lots of conflict and turmoil or you are in a high crisis survival state as a couple/ family
  • You're new to healing work, you are not aware of your patterns and/or don’t have self care practices/ ways of working with your own sacred material
  • You're not willing or ready to be vulnerable and open with your partner
  • You're not ready to take 100% responsibility for everything that is arising in the relationship
  • You are not willing or ready to embrace truth and honesty (with self and your partner) over comfort
  • You don’t have other forms of connection and support (friendships, men's groups, women’s circles, personal coaches or therapists)

Meet Your Instructors

Mike Elliott + Courtney Wren

Mike Elliott is a visionary transformation expert that specializes in the relational space, dedicated to empowering individuals in breaking free from their unhealthy patterns and imprints, unlocking the path to realizing their goals and dreams with boundless joy. Mike is an extremely skilled facilitator of men’s work, couples work, coaching business teams, and breathwork. He’s the co-host of the enlightening “Together”. Mike’s expertise extends across various modalities, with an unwavering commitment to his clients’ success. Mike consistently delivers transformative results and helps people claim their most aligned life in love and life in a somehow easeful way.

Courtney Wren MSW RSW is a Relational Somatic Therapist and Mystic/ Medicine Woman, speaker and mentor. Courtney has a Bachelors and Masters in Clinical Social work, is certified as a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, Family Constellations Facilitator, Shamanic Arts Practitioner, Crystalline Consciousness Facilitator, a Birth Doula, & training in Pre & Peri natal Attachment Somatic work. She has been in the field for over 17 years and trains/ supervises other therapists/ facilitators. She is a Medicine Mama and devoted partner. She started a women’s sacred rose  temple in her community.

They are partners in life, love, parenting, business and relational healing. They have an impactful podcast called Together on Sacred Relationship and conscious parenting where they open up and share vulnerably their day to day journey and learnings of relationship and parenting.

They live in the forest, on the river in earth based community. They are consciously raising their son.

Mike and Courtney were both on an individual path of healing and awakening. Both feeling the life purpose of embodying and teaching conscious relationship.. As their paths crossed they entered into partnership from the beginning with the intention of Sacred Relationship- relationship as awakening.

Mike brings stability, practicality and fire; Courtney brings loving presence, gentle skill and the mystical.


As Experienced In

This is big courageous work

Our vision is to build a strong community to hold each of us in this journey, that we can lean into and be lifted up by, seen by, validated by, and heard by. Our nervous systems learn through feeling and experiencing others in the practice of love.

We envision many humans expanding their relational skills into the many places of life- family, business, friendships, and community.

We are here to bring conscious loving couples into the next evolution of communication, intimacy, love and skill to live their love and to create family (whether 2 or more) from this space of regulation and coherence.

Why heal in community?

Our nervous systems learn new patterns through feeling and being with others who are also practicing the art of relationship.

Feeling that collaborative field, hearing other impactful couples be open and vulnerable, seeing a deeper love in action, expedites our own relational growth.

We need to see it and feel it in order to know it.

This is the gift we give each other.

In this way, the community builds another layer of togetherness (inerconnectedness).


What Others Have Experienced


"What’s different working with you both, Mike & Courtney, is the way you taught the lessons and showed it, you embodied it in front of us, having that human engagement and community together, really grounded teachings and work that I've been doing for years.

It really hit home.

A lot of the work we did before we would go off on our own and do a retreat and bring it home, but it never landed together.

There was just no shared experience.

And it was really, it was groundbreaking to have a shared experience together with you both and the community"


"Mike and Courtney are a beautiful, loving, grounded, spiritual, and conscious couple whose relationship embodies play, communication, deep intimacy, self-reflection, growth, and compassion.

This energy they have together is the perfect environment to coach couples.

They have created a refreshing space for my partner and I to create new patterns and to strengthen our consciousness in protecting the “couple Bubble” and becoming each other's allies.

Their approach with working with couples in containers versus one off sessions is a testament to their dedication in truly making a difference, by creating a dedication to unfold all the layers to strengthen the core of love. Absolutely worth the investment!"

Jennifer Heale & Elijah Walsh 

"We were excited and a bit anxious for our couples retreat with Mike and Courtney at the Sentinel. It was the first time we had done anything like this, and we are beyond grateful that we took a leap of faith.

Mike and Courtney put their heart and soul into everything they do. This was evident from our first interaction to the final session.

They created a safe space for vulnerable experience shares, and as a result we were able to relate to and learn from other couples’ challenges. 

Mike and Courtney brought different perspectives and areas of expertise to the room, which made the learning rich and awe-inspiring. The emotional release during the breathwork session was a game changer for us, defying simple explanation – it's something you truly must experience firsthand. 

Wholeheartedly, we endorse this experience to fellow couples. The Together Couples Retreat enabled us to hit the soft reset button on our relationship. With our deepened connection and a new relationship toolkit, we are excited to build our next chapter!"

Chantal & Mark

"I had the opportunity to attend Mike and Courtney's first Together retreat at the Sentinel in CASL BC in April 2024. I can say that this was the most impactful piece of couples work that my wife and I have ever experienced.

What is really remarkable is the love that Mike and Courtney have for one another and the love that Mike and Courtney have for the work that they are doing, their enthusiasm and their desire to support other couples in expanding the potential in meeting one another where they're at, in helping to establish tools and boundaries and frameworks and openness is unique, and it's exciting!

It's really so well designed for the time that we're in, where we are in need of both a strong feminine and a strong masculine.

I can honestly say that even after being in a relationship with my wife for over 25 years, coming home from this retreat has been such a re-energizing and reigniting experience and will be foundational for us heading into the next decade of our time together.

I want to thank Mike and Courtney for the work they're doing. I could not recommend the retreat or their work highly enough.” 

Kris Smith 

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